To the very special brother in Germany that helped us when we were starving, I have not stopped praying for you and your family. To the very special sister in Greece that helped us, I have not stopped praying for you. To Mary in Colorado, you were the instrument to us having a home these past 2 years. My old account i can no longer access. To all of the brothers and sisters on this board that prayed for my husband and I, and helped these poor missionaries come so far, we are so grateful i am happy to say, that more than 18,000 people have come to the WORD because of you very special people sending prayers and money to feed us when we were robbed. To brother James I thank you for always being a prick in my side and making me think. I have contined praying through bleak and treacherous times even though I had no way to contact prayer request. My husband and I love you all. I send my love to those who showed us love. I send my love to all of those here that I sought to teach and lead to the WORD of truth and faith. If you know who we are, please say hi, but do not reveal. We are in the end of times. I urge you to look up, for the leaves are on the fig tree. Agape to you all.
Dear Admin, years ago you gave me access to message and to create new topics. I can not ask for my old account back due to safety reasons. Please can you again provide to me what I need?
Dear Admin, years ago you gave me access to message and to create new topics. I can not ask for my old account back due to safety reasons. Please can you again provide to me what I need?
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