Hi Steven Bobb,
A couple reasons led me to remove them from the sidebar. You can still make them obviously they just don't show on the sidebar summary.
1. There were only a few a day being made. Once or twice an hour would be a totally different thing.
2. The main reason was --- The profile posts were often using embedded code which slowed the site load time down. For example, posting videos in them, images from other sites, etc. all caused the front page to have to wait for all that to load - any other site it referred to - before this site finished loading. Load time, especially on the home page has to be kept to a minimum or the site loses people just in tenths of a second. It's a similar reason the chat was removed.
They are still available under the menu bar at the top of each page under Members Menu - New Profile Posts:
You can see going through a history of 10-20 pages there are lots of external sites, images, and videos in them. Also, there's only a minimal use of it. So any one of these types of posts will slow down the site for days until it scrolls off without there just plain posts. For a similar reason the chat was removed for little use in comparison with the resources it consumed.
Recently I had to even setup servers in each continent to keep load times down. So just by putting the profile posts in sort of undoes all that. It's a balancing act for much of this type of thing.
If you do have something you want to share but don't want to blog it or put in a profile post, you could just put it in the prayer requests, or even social groups perhaps.
I may be able to do something with these profile posts in the future. Like maybe if I can figure out a way to strip out where every visitor has to wait for youtube videos to load on the home page due to profile posts. On a related note, the chat may work in a separate page but participation like that will likely be non-existent here. And to boil it down, neither one of these features was used very much even after many months or years of availability.
Also, be aware of my other post. The site software has been released to the next major revision (xenforo 2.2). So perhaps these things can be revisited then.
Greetings, It's been awhile since I posted an update on the technical aspects of this site. Things have been busy behind the scenes on the website over the last month. Here's a rundown on what's been going on and what's still to come. - Post as anonymous feature. This allows prayer requests...
This forum spotlights some of XenForo's interesting features. Spotlights on features in upcoming releases will be posted here.
I'll also move this post over to the blog area for other to see before it scrolls off - for lack of a better place. You may want to tag my name in a post or pm to let me know otherwise I only see these types of posts by accident.