To me, I notice seeming unfairness in something God, in giving the unsaved "time" to repent, that increases the time until the new heaven and earth. But the problem is by extending THEIR time us saved people have to put up with their shenanigans, and it extends our time in this sin-cursed world. So while helping the unsaved, to me, it victimizes the saved. A little unfair to us, don't you think?
You are viewing things in the terms of just the saved people. God gave you time to be saved. And look at all that he’s doing in Asia, Indonesia, and Africa in the Middle East and the rest of the world. God says there’s rejoicing in heaven over one saved sinner versus 99 saved ones. Trust the Lord and His plan and not your own. There will be sin and lawlessness, and it will actually ramp up until Jesus returns. Glad you’re thinking about eternal matters instead of just things here on Earth, this planet earth is not the end and not supposed to be a “fair place”. They were feeding Christians to lions in the early days. I’m so glad that the Lord gave a lot of time to continue to flow up until my time. Praying for love, love, and understanding in the name of Jesus.