Disciple of Prayer
Hello all, i need friends of God. You will be surprised how often evil is done, divination, lost souls, angry witches and demons using people or being used. Monitoring spirits stalk me and try tk ruin me. I seek Jesus while they stalk me trying to distract me from journey and mission. Please pray for me to reach God plan, gift and mission He has for me.
This will sound weird but i experienced Daniel 10:13 "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me".
Not sure to what i have as a gift from God. But in a dream A sword and shield was bestowed upon me but i wish i understood why my mind opened.
Hope i make sense to some, trying to find God more amd give more to Him. I need friends, love and a sanctuary of hope. If anyone understand me please give advice and prayers that helped push away fallen angel, evil chosens, witches and monitoring spirits. I see and hear them, what a burden it has become. I walk alone with God to avoid cults and weird people, God people talk to me PLEASE.
This will sound weird but i experienced Daniel 10:13 "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days, but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me".
Not sure to what i have as a gift from God. But in a dream A sword and shield was bestowed upon me but i wish i understood why my mind opened.
Hope i make sense to some, trying to find God more amd give more to Him. I need friends, love and a sanctuary of hope. If anyone understand me please give advice and prayers that helped push away fallen angel, evil chosens, witches and monitoring spirits. I see and hear them, what a burden it has become. I walk alone with God to avoid cults and weird people, God people talk to me PLEASE.