Disciple of Prayer
I ask for a prayer request for as many people as possible this come from my heart! I cry out to you today out of desperation and much sorrow! I suffer tremendously from the worst case of Parental Alienation ever imaginable! I have been severely alienated from my 3 daughters’ for nearly 7 years now! I never abandoned, abused, or neglected my children! My children were my soul purpose and my whole world! They were my whole life! I have been lost and empty ever since my ex-husband took them from me! I have this huge void and empty hole in my heart that can never be filled again or healed until I can be reunited with my 3 daughters who I never should have ever been separated from ever even to begin with! I have been litigating parenting time through the court system ever since our high conflict divorce finalized back in 2017 in Marion County. My ex-husband relocated and moved to Bend with our 3 children because he knew that I could not afford to live there. So, now my case has been transferred over to The Deschutes County even though I still live over here, in Marion County because my kids now live in Bend with their father because he has custody of them currently. I was supposed to have visitation all along, but my ex-husband has never allowed me to see, talk to, or have any contact at all with our 3 children! On August 5 of 2021 I went to Trial against my ex-husband/father of my children/ and I won the whole trial and I won my case in court. The Judge on the bench ruled entirely in my favor 100% percent. SHE apologized to me on behalf of the Justice System! She shamed and reprimanded my ex-husband for his actions and she also said in her final ruling that my Constitutional rights had been taken and so had my children’s constitutional rights been taken! This gave me grounds for a lawsuit. During our trial I asked the Court to attend Family Counseling with my children and I also requested that my kids and I receive reunification therapy through a licensed professional therapist (LPC) who specializes in this field to provide us all with support and professional help/counseling throughout our Reunification Process. I asked for this help because I recognized that even though my absence was forced and not by my own will or intentions, as I had never abandoned my kids at all, (instead I was forced out of their lives against my will and then completely blocked from all contact with them!) Severely from my own children! But even though my long time absence in being separated from my children was forced and not done by me or my choice or by my own actions or anything that I could control, it still had the same effect on the children! This forced absence from My Kids for all these years has caused a huge rupture in our family! My children suffer from dis attachment issues and the children and I all have very deep wounds that I fear will never be able to be repaired or healed from! Because My mother-Daughter Relationship/bond had been so strained by the severe parental alienation and I had been kept away from my own children for so long our relationships were now completely non-existent! It was as if I had died to them And they had died to me, only none of us had ever died at all, we all still very much lived and were very alive, only just not allowed to be together at all, not allowed to see each other ever, not allowed to talk to each other, or ever allowed any kind of contact at all whatsoever! I have been grieving the loss of my very alive, living children now for almost 7 years! After winning my trial back on 08/05/21 my ex-husband still continued to alienate me even farther and kept me blocked still refusing me to have any contact with my own children! So on Feb 1 of 2023 I had to take my ex-husband back to court for an Enforcement on my parenting time that I was still not getting! The Judge enforced our reunification therapy to begin immediately as my ex-husband had still not made the children available for any counseling time or reunification therapy sessions with me still at all by this time! So no he was also technically in Contempt Of Court because he was in violation of our Supplemental Judgment Court Order as well! For all of this time! Well then when he finally let the kids start participating he and his wife then managed to get the girls and I’s reunification therapy all shut down all together because our therapist had came to the realization that she just couldn’t successfully facilitate our Reunification Process as long as the girls’ Father and Step-Mother continued to be involved because they were only sabotaging my mother/daughter relationship farther at this point & my bond even farther! Due to my ex-husband& his wife’s (Kids’ Step Mother’s) Covert & Incovert behaviors, their strong resistance that couldn’t be neutralized, their constant interruptions, them sabotaging my mother daughter relationship & bond even more and farther, undermining they whole Reunification Process and at this point was only causing my children and I BOTH MORE HARM, our therapist had to pull the plug and end our reunification therapy to prevent from only causing us all more harm! At this time I had to go back to Court again only this time for Contempt Of Court Pleadings against my ex-husband/father of my children! On 11/14/23 at our Remedial Hearing the court found my ex-husband in Contempt Of All Charges and found him guilty of Subterfuge and severe parental Alienation! Still today currently: a whole year later my situation has never changed at all in any way that matters! I have still never even seen my own children! And even though I tend to always win my case in Court, it doesn’t matter at all, because nothing ever changes in my situation that really matters because I AM STILL NOT SEEING MY OWN CHILDREN TODAY AS WE SPEAK! NOR HAVE I EVER FOR THIS WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! It has now almost been 7 whole years since I have seen my own children! So I have spent thousands answering thousands of $ Dollar’s in Attorney Fee’s and court costs to still yet to have even ever seen my own children!!! 2 years ago my oldest daughter turned 18 & aged out of the legal system! I never even got to see my oldest daughter or even speak to her even one time before she aged out! Now it is also Just about to happen with my middle daughter Faith also as well! Faith is a Senior in High School this year and she will be turning 18 on February 1st, only 5 more months from now! So then Faith will also be aged out of the legal system also once she turns 18, GAME OVER! My children have all been brainwashed and my ex-husband and his new wife have totally turned the kids all against me! Unfortunately, now none of my 3 girls/daughters, who I love more than anything in this world are strongly resisting me and rejecting me! Their being abused, please pray for us all! Thank you!