Beloved of All
In the past I have hardened my heart in Gods attempt to save me, I had been scared of love all my life. Havent seen God as good. Could you please pray that God would open my heart to be able to have ears to hear and the humility and wisdom to know how to respond in a way that pleases Him. I have always pre planned in my mind about how I would respond to God if I heard Him or felt Him drawing me to Him and in my mind it all seems like some charade on my part. I have imagined myself dropping to the floor and praying immediately, or some other idea, but honestly I have been all wrong, I have no idea what the right way is that I should respond. I know God is not pleased with my actions when He offered me His gift of His Son other times in my life. I am hoping for an encounter with Him on Sunday. I want to be able to experience the goodness of God in a way that honors Him. I have never truly honored anyone in my life, this is God. I guess I am not exactly sure what I am asking you to pray for, please follow your own heart on this. I know I am very much depending on the prayers of others, I know I have a responsibility too. I want to show respect and honor to the Holy Spirit if He decides to meet with me, I dont think I could respond correctly without His help either. I need the help of God to honor Him I think is what I am saying. Thank you, I do feel like only God could soften my heart in a way to be able to respond to Him. I havent felt conviction, I have felt numb to sin. I definitely see and feel the effects of it, I want to want God and I guess what I am saying is that I want to have a sincere desire for a new life, not a self ambition.