Christopher Espinoza SR
Servant of All
In Jesus name I pray to the Father, You can do anything by just speaking a word. I am praying that You will intervene and speak the word and speak an answer into my situation. Lord, You know everything especially my heart. You know what is going to happen and You have promised to bring good out of this situation because I love you and I am in the center of your will. "Lord Jesus Christ, be near me in my time of weakness and pain; sustain me by your grace, that my strength and courage may not fail". I am praying that You will intervene and speak the word and speak an answer into my situation". I ask you turn my affliction around and make it an occasion for rejoicing. Turn my situation on it's head and bring beauty from ashes, blessing from disappointment, and glory from gloom. And I will be found of you, says the LORD, and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all nationsβ¦β (Jeremiah 29:13-14). God is our Great Provider. He is the Great Quickener of dead dreams. He is our Great Physician, our Great Redeemer, and our Great Restorer. He is more than enough to meet every need, and He can turn any dead situation around! Amen? I have not able to speak nor see my daughter and sons. God turn it around all for your Glory.