Good and Faithful Servant
To all if this doesn't at least concern you a bit then I don't know. But watch this and watch his others. Part 3 of Carbocaine+Blood Experiments: Introducing the "Empty Shell" Hypothesis. I need no less that to approvals as in agreements to have God come and help all those that pray against this crap. Father in you sons name I pray this. Father this is what our Govt's are doing to us without our knowledge or consent. Nano bots and or as this is called KAMs are invading us is this the invasion of the temple? if so help us help me. I don't want to be a cyborg. Help me 3 years ago or 30-40 years ago when this was in it's infancy. help my cells fight these things and help send angels into me to help fight these things. If I'd of known Jesus I would have said no. I didn't get that opportunity to do so I wasn't asked if I wanted these things in me. If at any time I was cut off I've already repented of and already asked to be grafted back in as it say if we no longer abide in disbelief we can be grafted back in. So Jesus in you fathers name and yours since that's already happened long before now I ask at whatever point I was grafted back in if I was cut off in disbelief, that from that point on you've helped fight these things doing this to me. I pray for all who want to not be a cyborg that you help them too as well. I pray all mankind who hasn't repented yet do so and then you help those with these things in them to fight them and destroy them. Father and your son I thank you that you've done this already and are doing it now. I don't worship this and don't obey it. I want your help and ask you help me and others. I thank you father and Jesus you are destroying these things in all of us who don't want them and that others come to repentance and you are and have already began long ago to help them fight these things. I ask as well you create a hedge of more protection with our blood cells and not allow these things to eat into them. destroy these KAMS that are already in us and destroy any more from coming into us. I thank you Jesus AMEN and AMEN.