Jesus I love you and I am so tired of dealing with the constant racism at my job. I pray that you would bless me with a better paying job that is in a better place or remote. I pray is comes with a higher salary. I commute everyday to a job that is racist and its taking a toll on my body. I truly wish I had other choices.
What are our roles in justice and retribution?
I say this question the other day…
What an interesting question. The reason our world is so dominated by evil, is because evil's bulwark lays in the middle. Evil's relationship with the middle. You know, the people of all stripes who are wishy washy. In and out of sin, internal strife, blinders to the world about them, on. They feed the truly evil folks & powers abpth them.
The world has been very concerned with money lately, and they talk endlessly about the upper 1% How it's not ethical for that small group to control the destiny of us all……...The truly evil & the truly good are probable opposites & of equal scarcity. To be a wealthy man in a time like this is a 99% certainty a ticket to hell.……. But the middle feeds the evil.
The solution, it seems, is a mystery for the vaunted 1% of saints on earth… The calvary has yet to arrive. No Martin Luther. No reform. Just erosion, and fecklessness.
Justice in this world takes place on the physical plain. Jesus turned over the tables. Think hard about that. He was telling us something. Think hard. He was telling us that he nor we can fulfill our complete ministry of life without being willing to go and administer justice and get physically involved. He did not Only sit on mountainsides and boats, he went into the thick of it. The temple.
His actions were dramatic and inspiring. He had to get involved at the very spot of the transgression!!!
This is why, we, as a human block, have always had meeting places where the people gathered and dispensed justice. For our Christ it was in the temple, For us its at the court house.
If you had to sit at a court house and see all the despair and sadness for a day, you would see that this is the sight of the transgression.
Our laws were written in a different time by a different stripe of Christians and it's a good thing. Those laws can still uphold justice in the right hands!!!!!!
If the Christians today settled some new territory, can you imagine how they would write the laws of this new nation? They all have tattoos and hang out half naked on the beach or instagram or getting excited about trick or treat and the Super Bowl.
What passes for christianity is an abomination. Sodom and Gomorrah, Sodomy laws. Yeah, let's repeal those…. & the christians say nothing...
The long and short of Justice on this fallen plane, of fallen people…..It's the courts.
Local. Small towns.
There, I say, is the injustice being played out. No one is witnessing to it. All the lawyers have accepted it, become the tools of it.
I have seen some street preachers outside abortion clinics and that's about as close as it comes to christian civic involvement. They are carting these poor protestors to jail. The moral confusion is on them…. Why not go directly to the justice system that is dispensing unjust and dangerous orders?
Then we have the well intentioned christian who falls to heavily into the """internal life in Christ""". Struggling with doctrine or torn feelings about the meaning of Revelation. Often his outward life is smooth as pie. Goes to work, makes a good living, keeps it within reason regarding relationships. Never once thinks he has a duty to the brand of justice being played out down at the courthouse in his town. Meanwhile the level of danger rises about him.
WE ALL KNOW this is happening!!! >>>>>>>>> So many communities have been overwhelmed in the last 8 years with violence and other crimes. Poverty and drug addiction. We all know….. But no one wants to take a Christian stroll down to the town hall or the courthouse to inquire just what in the world is going on!!!
Well…. see….well, we kinda got a lot of christian dudes who are struggling with porn….we kinda mad it okay for christian girls to have sex with multiple partners and divorce is normal now….so its hard to be a mom. They are both completely too occupied with their inner "struggle" to take that stroll downtown and do their duty, or quit frankly...even to conceive of it.
They are in fact, not in living in reality.
Indeed, the only people fully in reality are witnessing the absolute immensity of the situation & quite honestly they are staring directly into the face of satan!!! They understand very much how Jesus felt while Peter and them slept while he was sweating blood…...
So what is justice? It has a A LOCATION AND REQUIRES LOCOMOTION period. You and your struggle buddies have to plan to go down to the courthouse and sit in at court and be courteous and respectful and have sober conversations and witness the wickedness and see who does what.
In conclusion, Justice is the administration of punishment and imprisonment or institutionalization, or limiting of rights or freeing of the guilty, or whatever is happening at the courthouse.
That's justice for the human race.
If your justice is perverted then the men and women who claim Christ need to be going to the "topothesia" of the crime.
The Christian lawyers must make the cessation of the corruption of justice their entire struggle.
Not taking big estate accounts and planning their 401K's.
This is what was always and ever justice for Christian men and women. Make sure the right punishments are being meted out. That the wronged are righted and the Judges are just. To be the civic witness of Christ In the true town square.
Facebook, instagram, TIK Tok, they have sapped you of your morality, by raising the court of public opinion far above that of the local court house. Your righteousness is now played out vapidly online. Like all the spilled seed on thorny ground the pornography drains the will to focus on the exact right course of action.
This is the vast majority of the christian church today. If you deny it, there is no surprise. Every fashion of inversion has been perfected. Every scenario in the Bible has ben atomized and packaged to suit any insane interpretation.
Have at it.
But to those of you hearing this, maybe just hearing the corners/edges of what I'm saying….
Stop dead in your tracks and start figuring out how to bring justice to this world.
The FLESH is on sale at the courthouse and that's where the MEAT is being sold!!
Go forth Christian and tarry not! For this is where your spirit will be made and your return will be multiplied. Lives to be saved by the Ever vigilant eye on the administration of justice.
Take power from the evil ones with black robes and pointy shoes. Shame and witness their evil. Repay them with kindness through your witness. They will slink off sooner rather than later.... Don't wait for war to break out because it will, take control while you still can!!!!
This is how you take power, Be witness to shame.
Form action plans, sit ins, gatherings at church to organize against injustice.
This is the way to heap coals on your enemy's head & to bless him at the same time. Until we do this, we perish, and let those about us perish.
Lord have mercy on us.
Get to the courthouse