Prayer Warrior
Loosen Verse Jer 50 23 Let the HAMMER
break the WICKED into piece's.Time has moved on I have moved on I deserve to find my happiness. Let all people like I said that want to control me know I'm not the one to control hellllllooo I'm a free individual. I don't need everything everyone following me that's wants to scream at me thru phones or other people. Forget me men that only use abuse me for my energy I'm no longer in your league nor do I want you bac. Let my good KARMA come and Let Karma Specifically come on the individuals that have cut my head off all of my lifetime LIFESTYLE Urgently NOW forever. Let my offspring be well and can visit me on Holidays Birthdays in HARMONY. Let me finish my Studies Memorize what I need for Public NOTARY FIGURE Official properly I get my Exam passed paid for fingerprints background check done properly. Government people and them honoring me is not necessary it's been way to long God Almighty God'swill was never addressed immediately or properly only Lucifer was honored and innocent always killed. I will take care of myself as always properly with divorce of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY with obviously Lucifer not being honored as he has not honored My life still Like I SAID I have to fight for myself and it is what it is. Now let me have a proper make over needs met Wrinkles gone on my face neck chest. I can find my happiness on HARMONY dating site. Let the Lord God Almighty God'swill movements just Stay in heaven properly. LOOSEN VERSE Deut 28 6 BLESSED ONLY