Disciple of Prayer
This prayer is to go to Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit an Jehovah-jireh the father of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior who made the heavens up above and the Earth down here while I live at, I come to all of you in the hour of need of prayer I need y'all blessings in my life my children lifes my grandchildrens my great-grandchildrens life my son-in-law my daughter-in-law's my ex-daughter-in-law's an they familys all my siblings they children's' grandchildrens and great-grandchildrens and everybody's familys and friends James childrens grandchildren's and great-grandchildren's his siblings and his family and friends and all of my family and friends my mother family and my father family everybody we grew up with and went to school their families too and the faculty and staff of all our schools and the schools and families that we didn't go to school with two , the poor Jews and Israel and every human being from every Walk of Life I pray Jesus you put the armor of your father protection upon us all on our going out and I'll come in ,i need a large Financial blessing large enough to buy two pay cash for a home in Texas and a home in Louisiana so when hurricane season open up I always have somewhere to live and I need peace to be still in my surroundings the people downstairs make so much noise they run my blood pressure out of my head they alcoholics they drink all day and night play music all day and night never goes to sleep make noise all day and night i can't afford to move i live on a set income once a month, i need you God Jesus Christ Holy Spirit to remove them now until he give me my financial blessing, they make so much noise they'll be about to give me a stroke heart attack nervous breakdown is so sad I'm 63 years old this year I cannot put up with that noise any longer please ask God to remove them now please I'm begging y'all pray for me the Lord removed them urgently as soon as possible and I need the Lord to let peace be still in my apartment on top of me underneath me on each side of me and inside of my household and bless me on my going out and my coming in and while I'm out bless my apartment on my going out and coming in and all my belongings, and put a calm spirit inside of James Calvin cook heart Body mind and soul and let peace be still inside of him always the same for his children that peace be still in their lives bless them with calm spirits and God bless all Jews and Israel and everybody family in the world bless them all financially physically and mentally blesses all of us financially physically and mentally and spiritually emotionally and protection from all hurt home trouble dangers and death murderous Killers robbers kidnappers every type of crime it is in this world protect us and stop the war and Ukraine and everywhere war is at and killing all over the world stop it in the blood Jesus Christ shed when he died for our sins and the same blood Jesus Christ shed when he died in our place and in His holy name I declare and decree and receive everything I ask in Jesus Christ holy name amen. God bless the minister and I Ministry of this church bless this church and Ministry and family and friends are always let them prosper in the blood of Jesus Christ shed when he died for our sins the same blood he shed when he died in our place and in Jesus Christ holy name they all receive it when he died now please and then it's holy name they receive it amen amen an amen