Prayer Warrior
This prayer is mainly about getting through the anxiety that has been causing me to have some slight delusions and become very irritable, some people have requested medicine be taken, however the last time i was given some slight medicine for this it turned out terribly as my body did not respond to this very well at all, my family is with me in not having to rely on medicine and i have accomplsihed many things like huge operas without hte need of medicine, needless to say though i am praying because i need continual progress to get away from the anxiety problems Please be with me in spirit Jesus i need help today and i need help to recover from some of the anxiety i have been having about my life. I have been pushing myself and having trouble forgiving some people in my life, i admit that this has been causing me problems and i want to be able to be able to let go of the anger resentment, confusion and difficulty expressing myself. I actually have come to this awesome place to try and pray because although i try to say it out loud sometimes there is major confusion and i feel that when i pray in written words it gets clearer and easier to articulate what i need. But i really would like to be able to pray openly wherever i am, i have had trouble with this for awhile, however tyhe main problems i have been facing has been fear, anxiety and confusion regarding anxiety and compulsive thoughts, i am able to do my work but sometimes it is very hard to concentrate and its been a harder battle to not be agitated at people, the agitation is what bothers me the most because i have been rude to people who have done me no harm, i would ask for rest and healing assurance and guidance and the actuality of letting go of my anger and to rid myself of the angry, compulsive thoughts. Also the struggle of getting through this i ask could be painless perhaps effortless, but if not may it be gentle may rest and hope get me through this needless to say i am dismayed at how i have treated my family and friends recently, and those i have worked with, i have seen their love and your love for me in the opportunities i have and i ask for humility and joy at the awesome things you have given, i dont know why but for some reason it was hard for me to be grateful but now i ask that i not only be grateful but show it share it and please calm my mind so that i may honestly and calmly be happy. I am grateful for the opera and its opportunities, i ask for healing and help with the opera and all the opeople involved I ASK for the rejuvenation of my opera love taht i find the joy of opera and love of music and it rekindles my faith in Jesus GOD and helps me to run the race with endurance. I think my heart needs reassuranceof how you see me that i am not this anxiety driven person but a lovingh child of god and i need help to be reconciled and to trust so that as i go throug hthe day i may have a helmet and the armor that can resist compulsions and temptations (I apologize to any reader for some of the haphazard flow of this prayer, usually there is more order to my prayers and writings but it was hard to write about, basically i need help calming down and being able to rest and to be still and to know God in that rest amen