Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
This may sound "funny" to you, but sometimes I think God misunderstands my requests.I ask to be delivered from one thing, but I never ask for it to be "replaced "by something else, or that the WAY I get delivered causes another problemDeliverance means deliverance, But a recent occurance reminded me of this.Not a problem, but an annoyance. You know how the media gets on a subject, and repeats it over and over again,like an obsession? Well, between them and people in general,cxoronavirus was an obsession,and overode all other subjects,despite the fact that someone could have tuned in the news to hear about something else. The repitition was maddening. But now,yes, something kind of gave me a break from "Coronavirus fatigue", but is just as maddening--Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as the vice presdential pick. Yes, it gave me a break from constant coronavirus news, But now I have to hear 24/7 the left wing media gushing and gooing about Kamala Harris.{The media meaning even the computer homepage.}Request is that God understands my request is to be delivered from something altogether, not have it "traded off" for something else, like a medicine wiith side effects.And that the media reports something a normal amount of times, not overruns you with it. AMEN.