Good and Faithful Servant
this kids but adults too listen. Video link
kids even so need to be in juvenile until they are 18 then spend several years in prison for what they've done plus what they're doing. But if you want pray they turn from their wickedness first but I've got lots of evidence and getting good things to bring this down. It may still take some time but I will get these kids in court. and the adults as well. God is not a respecter of persons Kids teens especially are to be held as accountable as I would be if I was doing this. What's been taught is wrong and not scripture on this kind of subject. But what he said helped bring Satan's kingdom, and Satan is taking advantage of that using kids to do his dirty work for him. They are just as slated for the lake of fire as I would be. Grace sanctification only handles those of true believers it doesn't cover atheists. The bible is full of times when taking the Holy Land that Israel had to kill kids. No they aren't nor were they sanctified just because that's a false teaching sorry if that's offensive but that's true. Take the theme of the Bible and how many times that happened and why! The Giants that were left in the lands of Canaan, and why God had them killed was to cleanse the blood line. But If God sanctified them that's up to him but that doesn't go along with truth sorry but that's what is true and one of the false teachings that man does for their own itching ears. The bible also makes it clear in iniquity we are all born. But again I know there's lots of Grace from Jesus, but I've been through hell. I Need some form of vindication. But I do admit adult voices could be synthesized to sound like a kid but still... I read all the time there are kids that get into gangstalking. Plus the scriptures to say that in the end times kids will rise up against their parents and kill them of have them killed so... But here listen and pray. One for them to turn from their wickedness, and then I be vindicated and catch these evil kids and people!