Disciple of Prayer
This is the bottom line of my prayer if you don't like reading long prayers: The bible says "he who begins a good work in you won't stop until it's finished". It also says "God is not a man that he should lie". Furthermore, it says "where two or more agree, I will be there and answer". Thus, given that, here is my prayer: I pray God begins the good work in me of getting me to Heaven and given his promise of two or more (you and me) that you pray this on my behalf. Nothing is more important than this. If you who want more detail, you can read more here: I've been stuck in cycle of sinning, repenting, then backsliding and sinning again. This particular sin I recently resisted for less than two weeks then today I sinned again. Please ask God to forgive me and help me not to sin again or mess up my salvation. When I was still a lamb (baby) The Good Shephard (Jesus) threw me into a den of wolves in sheep's clothing (a family of narcissists). Also, much like in The Book of Job, God gave Satan permission to attack me when I was still good. Given the mental abuse of my family and demonic attacks, unanswered prayers, broken dreams, stagnation, supernatural blocks, I lost faith in God and wandered thinking maybe I was in the wrong religion. I sought out new age, law of attraction, Buddhist teachings. Before all that I called out to God for Justice, and help, as the bible says "he who are heavy laden call on me and I'll give you rest my yoke is easy and gentle". Yet, I had no response, so I figured if this promise isn't true than all of the bible is not true and I did my own thing for years. I said to God, before doing this, if you are real I'll follow you, but how can I follow he who I can't see or doesn't reveal himself to me so I did what I wanted. My life has been one of loneliness, failure, stagnation, unanswered prayer, no wife, can't afford a home or to retire, no friends, etc. Misery and constant struggle. And even though I've gotten up, brushed myself off, and repented and will try again, God still hasn't revealed himself. And like the prodigal son I wish to come back and need God to help me not to sin again. I'm worried as over the years I etched in myself a sin nature habit addiction I'm having trouble overcoming. My own weakness has me scared for my eternal soul. Thus, again, my main prayer is that you pray on my behalf (2 or more) that God, who begins a good work and doesn't stop until it's finished begins the good work of getting me to Heaven. Bottom line. A loophole so the devil can't get me. And please pray God is gentle in this work as I can't handle any more pressure. It's been overwhelming and too much. Like a camel with a broken back and too much load, anymore will crush me and be counterproductive. Thanks. Michael