God sent us to earth to be here for a little while, a stopping place to be a blessings to those we live, work, and see in the streets around us. That is what life is. We are here right now, and then, we will not be here anymore. Like the clouds in the sky. We see them moving around us, then it will dissappear forever.
This is a pause in life.
A resting place along the road.
It eventually it will lead us all to heaven.
Each one of us have different journeys.
God has given us something to choose.
Whom to follow and obey.
We were meant to learn something important.
Life is short,
Eternity is long.
Seek wisdom from obove.
Ask Jesus what life means to you.
Because life journey shall come to an end.
What have we done for Him?
What can we do before our time is up?
Dear Lord....
Make known to me the path of life, You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalm 16.11
This is a pause in life.
A resting place along the road.
It eventually it will lead us all to heaven.
Each one of us have different journeys.
God has given us something to choose.
Whom to follow and obey.
We were meant to learn something important.
Life is short,
Eternity is long.
Seek wisdom from obove.
Ask Jesus what life means to you.
Because life journey shall come to an end.
What have we done for Him?
What can we do before our time is up?
Dear Lord....
Make known to me the path of life, You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
Psalm 16.11