Humble Prayer Warrior
This is raja kumari
I don't have father ,I am living in hurt and disappointment, Mother is only person I have, This is my life testimony,
I wanted to share with you all, I have seen many good things in life because of God, When I was born doctor said only one can live, my dad said to save my mom and Doctor bought me out first and handed me , my dad didn't seen my face even, God saved my mom and me, today we are living still, it his grace
My mom got sick many times but God healed and saved from every condition, In 2020 it was food poisoned and attacked by diabetes, liver jaundice, almost kidney got 3.5 if it was 5 it be failed, Bp is low, Stomach bloated, legs swelled, Not even consicious about me, the worst pain of my life 8 days I lived in a complete hell, I never forget, she couldn't be saved one man came and told, paltelets fallen to 21k , I am mentally fixed to do sucide if anything happens , God saved my mom from every knowing unknowing condition, today we are alive only because of God's grace, we sinned but God's mercy is greater, it saved my family from death
My financial condtion is better than before now, I asked God help he sent anyone to help in time , Many more
I am saying only my family is living because of grace, we are living example of Jesus is real and He is greater above all names
Thank you Jesus
I don't have father ,I am living in hurt and disappointment, Mother is only person I have, This is my life testimony,
I wanted to share with you all, I have seen many good things in life because of God, When I was born doctor said only one can live, my dad said to save my mom and Doctor bought me out first and handed me , my dad didn't seen my face even, God saved my mom and me, today we are living still, it his grace
My mom got sick many times but God healed and saved from every condition, In 2020 it was food poisoned and attacked by diabetes, liver jaundice, almost kidney got 3.5 if it was 5 it be failed, Bp is low, Stomach bloated, legs swelled, Not even consicious about me, the worst pain of my life 8 days I lived in a complete hell, I never forget, she couldn't be saved one man came and told, paltelets fallen to 21k , I am mentally fixed to do sucide if anything happens , God saved my mom from every knowing unknowing condition, today we are alive only because of God's grace, we sinned but God's mercy is greater, it saved my family from death
My financial condtion is better than before now, I asked God help he sent anyone to help in time , Many more
I am saying only my family is living because of grace, we are living example of Jesus is real and He is greater above all names
Thank you Jesus