Humble Prayer Warrior
This is raja kumari, A fatherless girl living in absolutely toxic environment,only have mother
My dad died before 10years , at my growing age, I don't have siblings, I had 5aunts and 16 cousins
My uncle family (dad's bro) who are extremely toxic, They even tried black magic(people told) and they had evil eye (for sure, I seen) on my mom and me, They don't digest anything we buy , wanting to see our fall, honestly they keep the same level of mental torture to not live a good life. One aunt staying in our house, she is informer to other, Their kids also do drama, The remaing stay in 10min walk distance, All kids specially called my cousins areee not even disgesting my life, They altogethr torture me mentally to that level, I feel useless and it's better to sucide than to live with these kinda people who don't give money but still want to maipulate to live according to their words, I am sick of 10years wasting and I crying because of them
Coming to neighbours they are also evil eye, we don't have male on house, Any kind of words, behavior they show, Even we used to live a happy 3 mem family,i got good points all the time they all together cried and I lost dad, study and almost everything I wanted except mom Once I bought good things and they asked to show I shown, next 3-4days I didn't woke from bed that level of sick I got, My neighbours too cry on growth
Now my family, All I have is God and mom that's it, God's is only hope we are living on, If no God we won't be alive today,
my mom is diabetic, hypertension, over weight has breathing difficulties, nerve weakness since my 4th class, we stopped medcines due to dads death and we can't afford anything except food , pray for complete naturally good health to my mom , protection from evil and long life ,
my health is not that gud, weakness, low bp, stress, tension due to lost job recently, don't know where I get, mentall y physically weak can't even sleep properly, it's 3:36am still brain is running with fear of losing what I loved, At young age I lost father, comfort life and study all at once and that situation made me to live with anxiety of losing what I love,
I was rejected, I am completely feeling numb , breathelessness sometimes and dead inside
Financial problems
Marriage in God's will, don't have man, who will search for me and marriage expenses are not there
Thanks for praying
Whatever we are, it's because of Jesus
My dad died before 10years , at my growing age, I don't have siblings, I had 5aunts and 16 cousins
My uncle family (dad's bro) who are extremely toxic, They even tried black magic(people told) and they had evil eye (for sure, I seen) on my mom and me, They don't digest anything we buy , wanting to see our fall, honestly they keep the same level of mental torture to not live a good life. One aunt staying in our house, she is informer to other, Their kids also do drama, The remaing stay in 10min walk distance, All kids specially called my cousins areee not even disgesting my life, They altogethr torture me mentally to that level, I feel useless and it's better to sucide than to live with these kinda people who don't give money but still want to maipulate to live according to their words, I am sick of 10years wasting and I crying because of them
Coming to neighbours they are also evil eye, we don't have male on house, Any kind of words, behavior they show, Even we used to live a happy 3 mem family,i got good points all the time they all together cried and I lost dad, study and almost everything I wanted except mom Once I bought good things and they asked to show I shown, next 3-4days I didn't woke from bed that level of sick I got, My neighbours too cry on growth
Now my family, All I have is God and mom that's it, God's is only hope we are living on, If no God we won't be alive today,
my mom is diabetic, hypertension, over weight has breathing difficulties, nerve weakness since my 4th class, we stopped medcines due to dads death and we can't afford anything except food , pray for complete naturally good health to my mom , protection from evil and long life ,
my health is not that gud, weakness, low bp, stress, tension due to lost job recently, don't know where I get, mentall y physically weak can't even sleep properly, it's 3:36am still brain is running with fear of losing what I loved, At young age I lost father, comfort life and study all at once and that situation made me to live with anxiety of losing what I love,
I was rejected, I am completely feeling numb , breathelessness sometimes and dead inside
Financial problems
Marriage in God's will, don't have man, who will search for me and marriage expenses are not there
Thanks for praying
Whatever we are, it's because of Jesus