Holy God and loving Father, I consciously place my fears, worries, anxieties, and burdens in your hands. I know that I have so little power to change the outcome of these events and I trust that you will work what is pleasing to you, and best for me, out of these situations. Forgive me for my anxious thoughts and for letting my own worry become an idol that robs you of my full trust. Strengthen and empower me to trust you more by the power and presence of your Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen
Please do not lose Faith! God has a plan for your brother. He needs your prayers. Prayers are heard. The power in prayer by one or many will have a very strong out come. Sometimes in our life things may not turn out the way we want them too, however; prayer will give you and the person you are praying for the inner peace that is needed to accept a situation that you have no control over and must leave in Our Good Lords hands. Pray for your brothers inner peace, inner strength, and acceptance of Our Lord Jesus to save him. I will pray for you and brother. May God Bless you alway. Amen