This is evidence prayer request: Oh God locate me with my future partner between now to next year let me be called Mrs on only that a better husband that will change my story to glory
*I receive my congratulations letter to outside country..Lord I depend on you.I don't know how it will happened but with God all things are possible. *Oh lord bless me beyond my expectation and favor on every side. *Lord show my family mercy..let your mercy speak for us and Let our enemies be put to shame. *oh lord my father show yourself at my working place bless my boss and open our understanding to do the right thing at the right time
*Every evil Covenant in my life shall be reverse in Jesus name. *Any power that doesn't want my sis glory to rest in her husband house oh God fight her battle for her and let all glory be ascribe to you alone
*What so ever my mother has pass through shall never be my portion in Jesus name