Humble Servant
This is a massive spiritual communication network. I get so much inspiration from y'all. Thank you for your prayers. It's the little things that have kept me encouraged. It helps me see faith in action. I will be faithful where I am to get to where I want to be. It's a small room. Not too fancy. I left my dream home 6 months ago because I was in a bad place with my wife's struggles in addiction. I had to remain faithful to God and our relationship. I had to stay strong and stay in faith for her to find her healing. It's taking a long time. It doesn't seem to be making any progress. But God is healing our hearts by getting her prepared for recovery. It's developing in ways I can't see because it's happening behind the scenes. I am proving to God I am faithful. I'm giving it my best. The longer it takes the bigger your future. God has better things in store. It will change and improve. We must hold onto our faith in God. Praying constantly is getting your heart prepared for victory. It happens after years of faithfulness. Don't slack off. Keep being your best. Keep being your best. God will deliver us from this stuck feeling. Imagine that you are seeing the best. Seeing your new improved life come to fruition. You will pass the test. Proverbs 28:20. Read it and get ready. You're about to abound!! You're going to see God do unusual things. God will move you higher than you realize. Give and believe. You'll see increase in time. Stay in faith and expect the windows of heaven to open up. See our friends healing old wounds and see them sober and happy and prosperous. See family members blessed by love and forgiveness. Joyous and willing to share with others. Families who are suffering are now feeling better than before. Please let them know you love them so much. I miss my wife but I will forever be faithful to her. She may not believe in me but I totally believe in her. She will reach out soon to me because she'll feel better and better soon. She'll remember the words of faith that we spoke in important times. Though the beginning was small the latter days will be building bigger than you realize. Everyday get up and remind yourself that because you are faithful you will abound. No storm will stop you. No enemies can defeat you. You keep your focus on God and good things will be coming your way. Trust in the Lord and be ready for incredible blessings to come. It's a new year to start in my faith. Projecting energy of love , respect, and appreciation for all the abundance coming our way. You have the miracle because you are the miracle. Pur your shoulders back hold your head up and keep expanding your mind in Christ as you continue to move forward. Everything is just right. Everything is so inspiring. Because it's what you desire for the world it will be returned to you in kind. God gave you the inner power to create and make the world as you desire it to be. God gave you inner authority over your fears. Choose to live in faith and wisdom and to be the way maker. Make the conscious decision today to start believing that God put you here for a reason. There's nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly! We are a global community emerging to become something beyond what most of us can imagine. Now is the time to join our thoughts and prayers and hearts to help each other feel connected to God. May the things you need and desire come to you now. Ask and it is given. If it is to be then it's up to me. The Power that created me is the Power that is healing me. Don't give energy or attention to the enemy. Anoint and bless your life. You are the power of your life. Speak with assurance. Hold your faith in God big time! Justice is Just-Us. Let's hold each other up in our faith community. Hallelujah and Praise Jehovah. Yes it's done!