God knows how I have been in His face, pestering Him about this city; yet He has given me no different Word, only more confirmation of His initial impartation. As I've said before, this experience has been so surreal that it's sometimes difficult to separate my personal experience from the ensign experience. Perhaps, the basic constitution of ensign is that it has to be one in the same to a certain point. Still, like Ezekiel, I proclaim: Lord, I have never turned my back on You.
As I recently sat at a table waiting for someone, I noticed an individual sitting in a truck, watching me from a distance. For almost twenty minutes, this person sat there. After they pulled off, I thought to myself, now this person watched me all that time, obviously judging what they probably assessed as the folding of my hands, yet never once did they ask or offer help, nor even as much as asked me how my day was going. The irony is, when I inquired of God today, the answer He gave contained the same sentiment regarding this city:
Jeremiah 15:5-6
"Who will feel sorry for you, Jerusalem? Who will weep for you? Who will even bother to ask how you are? You have forsaken me and turned your back on me," says the Lord. "Therefore, I will raise my clenched fists to destroy you. I am tired of always giving you another chance.
I don't know why God has chosen to use me in this way, but I do know that He has been consistent in manifestation of both scripture and prophecies. Revelation 22:18 for example, warns us of the ramification of tampering with God's Word. When we tell the least of these, those to whom Jesus likens himself, that "God helps those who help themselves," God assesses our sometimes selfish exclusionary intent behind such statements. While it is true; it is neither complete, nor is it scripture. God helps everybody: He causes the sun to shine on ALL. So then, we have had to quarentine; social distance, wear masks, and get inoculated.
No doubt, some of you are probably thinking, I could've kept that little message to myself; but that's just it, as messenger, I can not. God's Word is not to cause fear, but to grace us with the opportunity to prepare through a change of heart.
There shall be a remnant.
As I recently sat at a table waiting for someone, I noticed an individual sitting in a truck, watching me from a distance. For almost twenty minutes, this person sat there. After they pulled off, I thought to myself, now this person watched me all that time, obviously judging what they probably assessed as the folding of my hands, yet never once did they ask or offer help, nor even as much as asked me how my day was going. The irony is, when I inquired of God today, the answer He gave contained the same sentiment regarding this city:
Jeremiah 15:5-6
"Who will feel sorry for you, Jerusalem? Who will weep for you? Who will even bother to ask how you are? You have forsaken me and turned your back on me," says the Lord. "Therefore, I will raise my clenched fists to destroy you. I am tired of always giving you another chance.
I don't know why God has chosen to use me in this way, but I do know that He has been consistent in manifestation of both scripture and prophecies. Revelation 22:18 for example, warns us of the ramification of tampering with God's Word. When we tell the least of these, those to whom Jesus likens himself, that "God helps those who help themselves," God assesses our sometimes selfish exclusionary intent behind such statements. While it is true; it is neither complete, nor is it scripture. God helps everybody: He causes the sun to shine on ALL. So then, we have had to quarentine; social distance, wear masks, and get inoculated.
No doubt, some of you are probably thinking, I could've kept that little message to myself; but that's just it, as messenger, I can not. God's Word is not to cause fear, but to grace us with the opportunity to prepare through a change of heart.
There shall be a remnant.