Good and Faithful Servant
Think not that this means anything. listen to them. no it's not their world it's Jesus Christ's and their father lucifer only gets it to do what he's allowed to do then it's the lake of fire Gangstalking is not a game it's terrorism. They can not lie their way with some sad song which I've heard 100's of times now. they can repent if not that's their fault or his or hers. whoever is doing this garbage to me. They've tried to kill me tried to control me give me diarrhea make me sick unnaturally lose weight vibrate the heck of of my body make noise so loud in my head and ear so bad I can hardly stand it but constantly look for way to battle their evil! they sound like kids maybe but software can make a person sound like kids or adults etc... besides what kid as the ages you may hear in this have time to do this almost 24/7. don't be sold by the sadness it's not a game they are trying to kill me and or rule me or make me do things I don't want to. Video link
most 7-8-10 on up kids are in bed remember that. I've suffered by this all day and every day for 24/7 for more than a year now.
Besides listen closely there is some man or someone making snide remarks and sounds like threats.
The only reason this started like this is because I began to do my prayers against evil gangstalkers to begin with.
then I read the scriptures. And for months now they've told me not to.... so yeah it's not fun and games it's most likely 666 and to give up Jesus.
to keep the music that I hear and the drums this is unedited. Just recorded using my computer over the air with no sound on in the background. this is what is send to my ear daily this and other sounds or music, and torment. and they accuse me of things I've not done and no nothing about me to begin with just accuse.
I think you may hear shoes in the background I just did. Which isn't literal shoes it's spiritual. my armor the shoes of the Gospel. they want me to stop being Christian, and or take off my armor.
listen to all the subtle noises when you do.
Besides listen closely there is some man or someone making snide remarks and sounds like threats.
The only reason this started like this is because I began to do my prayers against evil gangstalkers to begin with.
then I read the scriptures. And for months now they've told me not to.... so yeah it's not fun and games it's most likely 666 and to give up Jesus.
to keep the music that I hear and the drums this is unedited. Just recorded using my computer over the air with no sound on in the background. this is what is send to my ear daily this and other sounds or music, and torment. and they accuse me of things I've not done and no nothing about me to begin with just accuse.
I think you may hear shoes in the background I just did. Which isn't literal shoes it's spiritual. my armor the shoes of the Gospel. they want me to stop being Christian, and or take off my armor.
listen to all the subtle noises when you do.
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