And Jesus dispersed His disciples, each one to his own hometown. Amen.
It's truly sad that, in this day and age, because of rebellion, so many, still unwilling to decipher or accept good over evil, choose instead to give place to "That Woman." Though, in this generation, "that woman" is often representative of the mindset of Baal, it can still, quite literally, as encountered in this assignment, be an actual woman. Since, in choosing the idolatry of smooth rhetoric and empty rituals, set forth by "That Woman," over hearing His Word, God himself has therefore likewise blinded those who did then, and do now, think they're doing His will by punishing and casting His "little ones" from houses that supposedly operate in His name.
John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.
In continuing in this compassionless, "Tough Love" lesson (without cause), some here have actually gone out of their way to leave me a penny, sometimes thrown down onto the box that I sleep on, on the streets. The first thing I do is give thanks to God for the manifestation double blessing that is yet to come for me - because of that behavior; then I ask Him to grant into the city a return on her investment. And, just as promised in His Word, even as the nations bear witness, He is doing just that. Give a penny, get a penny's worth. Right now, we're just talking sports. God is adamant about His “Little Ones,” so much so, that He has numbered the hairs on our heads. Not counted them, for as I’ve said before, you can develop a computer program to run an accurate count, BUT GOD has numbered each hair, that He knows if even one, say number 2022 has been tampered with; and thus, He contends accordingly. But, to those cities who have simply trusted His Word, and made a more proper investment, worthy of a prophet, has He likewise given a proper return, void of contriver's wicked manipulation, accordingly. For, though the gift is freely given; "The worker deserves his wages." That's just how He works it. He cannot lie.
Government housing is FREE! The only requirement is to meet a certain financial criteria and contact the appropriate government agency. There was absolutely no need to operate in the idolatry of empty rituals, for so doing put even your nation at risk - "One Nation Under GOD." God’s name must not be attached to foolishness; for even more adamant is He about his name, than about His “Little Ones.” I can't even be mad at the homeless people that benefited from such wickedness. The burden of responsibility, even shame, lies more so on the powers that be, who oversee the system, in this city than the homeless. Does God not know? At a different point in my life, I probably would have taken advantage of the offer myself. Nobody truly wants to be homeless. Howbeit, as it is written in Ezekiel 18, everyone will suffer for His own wrongdoing. Nevertheless, as also evident in the scriptures, and were only beginning to see, the cost to a city for enduring "That Woman," in idolatry, is very high.
So then, what do I say when I see God's Word on display: the empty rituals, the hateful looks, the circling around, the, turned backs, and insults? THANK YOU LORD!
Note: Once more and again, it's like deja’vu all over again. The issue of fan loyalty was addressed in the initial part of this assignment several years ago: This time the issue is on "TEN," and the ramification of folly, in God’s midst, is evident. His displeasure is loud and clear. Again, right now, though we're just talking about sports, such speaks to the prosperity of a city.
It's truly sad that, in this day and age, because of rebellion, so many, still unwilling to decipher or accept good over evil, choose instead to give place to "That Woman." Though, in this generation, "that woman" is often representative of the mindset of Baal, it can still, quite literally, as encountered in this assignment, be an actual woman. Since, in choosing the idolatry of smooth rhetoric and empty rituals, set forth by "That Woman," over hearing His Word, God himself has therefore likewise blinded those who did then, and do now, think they're doing His will by punishing and casting His "little ones" from houses that supposedly operate in His name.
John 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God.
In continuing in this compassionless, "Tough Love" lesson (without cause), some here have actually gone out of their way to leave me a penny, sometimes thrown down onto the box that I sleep on, on the streets. The first thing I do is give thanks to God for the manifestation double blessing that is yet to come for me - because of that behavior; then I ask Him to grant into the city a return on her investment. And, just as promised in His Word, even as the nations bear witness, He is doing just that. Give a penny, get a penny's worth. Right now, we're just talking sports. God is adamant about His “Little Ones,” so much so, that He has numbered the hairs on our heads. Not counted them, for as I’ve said before, you can develop a computer program to run an accurate count, BUT GOD has numbered each hair, that He knows if even one, say number 2022 has been tampered with; and thus, He contends accordingly. But, to those cities who have simply trusted His Word, and made a more proper investment, worthy of a prophet, has He likewise given a proper return, void of contriver's wicked manipulation, accordingly. For, though the gift is freely given; "The worker deserves his wages." That's just how He works it. He cannot lie.
Government housing is FREE! The only requirement is to meet a certain financial criteria and contact the appropriate government agency. There was absolutely no need to operate in the idolatry of empty rituals, for so doing put even your nation at risk - "One Nation Under GOD." God’s name must not be attached to foolishness; for even more adamant is He about his name, than about His “Little Ones.” I can't even be mad at the homeless people that benefited from such wickedness. The burden of responsibility, even shame, lies more so on the powers that be, who oversee the system, in this city than the homeless. Does God not know? At a different point in my life, I probably would have taken advantage of the offer myself. Nobody truly wants to be homeless. Howbeit, as it is written in Ezekiel 18, everyone will suffer for His own wrongdoing. Nevertheless, as also evident in the scriptures, and were only beginning to see, the cost to a city for enduring "That Woman," in idolatry, is very high.
So then, what do I say when I see God's Word on display: the empty rituals, the hateful looks, the circling around, the, turned backs, and insults? THANK YOU LORD!
Note: Once more and again, it's like deja’vu all over again. The issue of fan loyalty was addressed in the initial part of this assignment several years ago: This time the issue is on "TEN," and the ramification of folly, in God’s midst, is evident. His displeasure is loud and clear. Again, right now, though we're just talking about sports, such speaks to the prosperity of a city.
It's all still 
