Praise to Jesus starts as a tiny seed down deep in our souls. Every single morning get up and start singing praises to the Lord. He delights in the praises of His people. This is a sacrificial offering to Him from our heart, mind and mouth. Love Him, praise Him, adore Him all the days of your life. Blessings upon blessings shall come to those who get close to the heart of our dear Savior.
Thine be the glory Resurrected One.
Endless is the victory
Thou over death has won.
Let us all climb the mountain of God and find Him there, in prayer, in supplication, in praise to HIm. My heart soars touching heaven and the answer will come. Wait on the Lord, I say. Wait on Him day and night. He will redeem your soul. He will fill your heart with joy.
Thine be the glory Resurrected One.
Endless is the victory
Thou over death has won.
Let us all climb the mountain of God and find Him there, in prayer, in supplication, in praise to HIm. My heart soars touching heaven and the answer will come. Wait on the Lord, I say. Wait on Him day and night. He will redeem your soul. He will fill your heart with joy.