Good and Faithful Servant
These I though were HAARP chat bot and still can be some what but these I hear are kids and if so they need to be found and tried like adults so they can't kill or rape no more. it's pretty clear they admit to killing although could be just blowing smoke but they do admit to rape and killing. They are not only dangerous to me even just kids they are dangerous to others and need stopped when on trial don't let them cry and tell you how sorry they are for they are not. Pray those who are helping me and others find these criminals and put them away for at least life and if connected to mass shootings and or other electronic rapes maybe a death sentence. long but listen you hear lots of kids and other weird people adults and kids it seems or teen chat bot using HAARP or people who hacked into HAARP and are sending their crap through it. which means it's universal and they are hurting others too. Video link
I started this as I left and I will link others of us out showing 100% that this stuff is universal and effects all but some hear it most don't. Only those who hear it are affected more but I've seen it affect and manipulate others. Video link
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