Lord, we ask you to impart strong clear faith and insight into the heart and mind of Steven Bobb so that he can face every problem he faces now and that he will get out of every situation like a conqueror in Jesus name, amen.
I hear in the spirit: YOU ARE MORE THEN A CONQUEROR!! You have overcome the world because Jesus has and because you are his offspring in Jesus name, amen. You have the sword of the spirit in your hand and you can command to mountains to move. You have the word and the power. Because you are the child of the Almighty powerful God and you can do anything what God has done with the word, faith and walking in the spirit. That is what i hear in the spirit, and it is very positive message, i felt jumping in the spirit when i received this from God. REJOICE Steven, i feel you are chosen from God, elected and protected in Christ. The enemy cannot hurt you, it is only illusion. Just say NO WEAPPON (of desease, of problems, of annoying people etc) FORMED AGAINST ME WILL PROSPER IN JESUS NAME!! Amen.