Beloved of All
There is hope for 2022 Testimony [Of Great Change] [Repost] For years i had been held captive by the demon that causes addiction to things like viewing pornographic material, i never understood why, i mean i was a good Christian went to church and evangelized but still i struggled with this terrible addiction. The funny thing about addiction is that first you tell yourself that you can stop if you want to until the realisation that you're nothing but a slave hits you. I have never told anyone till now. Jesus set me free and now i'm no longer a slave, He came to set the captives free that we may have life and have it abundantly. I just want to say to anyone who might be struggling with addiction, you are not alone, God is with you and He has never left, the enemy just wants you to feel that way so you loose your hope. Even when you feel like he's not listening talk to him, pray, get mad. cry out to Him, He wants to hear from you so desperately. Being addicted is a losing game unless you have a Saviour, i can;t count the number of times where i always felt terrible after sinning and cried out to God that i was sorry and that i'd never do it again and found myself time and time again falling into temptation that at a point i just stopped apologizing altogether because i felt that he couldn't possibly want to hear from me after comitting the same sin several times after promising to never do it again but that was a lie. Guys He's our father, a loving God and before we even say sorry we've been forgiving. I reached a point in my life where i decided i had had enough of the chains that held me bound and i called out to my saviour. i ran to him and he welcomed me back with open arms. THERE IS NO BONDAGE IN CHRIST, EVERY CHAIN IS BROKEN, TRUST ME, i never thought i would be able to tell this story because the chains that held me bound gave me shame, 'All these people around me think i'm a model christian when i'm just a hypocrite and the moment i'm alone the burdens begin'. This is my testimony of how the Lord saved me. If you find yourself addicted to anything today even after trying everything, be strong and courageous try JESUS, i promise you will not regret it. The devil tries to fill us with shame from the things we turn to when we're alone because shame is darkness, i know it's hard but tell someone today, a trusted friend, a minister if you can;t tell your family, Let the light in today, by telling someone you let go of that shame and now you bring those chains into the light where God reigns. No Guilt, No shame, all our stains erased, you will finally have freedom and the devil will no longer have a hold on you. So today, as i've shared this great change testimony with you, i want to pray for anyone struggling in the dark worried about what others will think of you when they find out, I pray that you receive courage to rise up into the light and i pray that the holy spirit opens your eyes to see that there is still hope, don't give up, our God is very much alive, I pray that you never forget and that you feel His presence with you because He is with you , He has never left your side, just call on Him genuinely from your heart, let it out, everything you're feeling, let him know, let him in and Let Him help you and show you that there is Freedom, Liberty. You Are Not Alone. FIX YOUR EYES ON JESUS AND FORGET ABOUT EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ELSE, JUST BE WITH HIM, IT WILL BE ALRIGHT, I PROMISE. Thank You Jesus for saving me and i pray that through this testimony others get saved. Amen