Of the "new age" thinking that 's misleading many these days,one that's to me as irritating as getting a gnat stuck in your eye is this idea"there's no right or wrong. Do your own thing,whatever you do is alright."I've heard this, like someone could be into what is obviously described in the Bible as sinful,even some other unsaved people who were brought up by parents who lived in more "moderate" times can see sin in certain things.But the "there's no right or wrong" followers can, say, be told of someone commiting adultery, and say, "Hey, there's not a right or a wrong. whatever makes someone happy."Well, that's completely opposite of what the Bible teaches, because if there were no wrong, there would be no Great White Throne Judgement.Because we're told, "And everyone was judged according to their works. And whosoever was not found in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire."But if the "there's no right or wrong" crowd was right,there would be no Great White Thrown Judgement, because there's nothing to be judged!!If there was no RIGHT, then we wouldn't nessasrily be saved, and go to Heaven, because we wouldn't be "right" that there is a Heaven!!Do you see the danger in this reasoning?The devil is sneaking in telling the people that Gods s Word isn't nessasarily true,how do you know?It's like a form of "reverse witnessing".Reminds me of the first lie.."Has God 'really said..?""There's no right or wrong" is to me a deception by...who's the father of lies? Uh-huh...I'll continue to believe there's a right and a wrong.