Ok...many of us have been on a plane, when the plane hits a rough air current, and starts jostling around, and the announcement comes, "return to your seat and fasten your seatbelt." And sometimes the roughness gets worse. Now..a comparision between what's happening on the plane and the last days.On the plane, if it crashes, the saved will go to Heaven, and likewise,those who die in their sins will go to Hell. For everyone on that plane, that IS their last day, and their reward, one way or the other, will come.Now..the last days in general...look at what's happening in the world today. There's always been problems,but lately,the bottom has really fallen out, both in the world in general and in peoples individual lives. I see things happening to some that has never happened before.{And in my life,too.}I'd say our chickens are really coming home to roost.Because now we're likely in the last days, so the" kid gloves" have been taken off. So like the people on the plane, we must make a decision. Turbulent times are here. Even Jesus said about the last days,it will be like birth pangs that get worse until He comes.So like Christians on that plane, they may experience being "roughed up" a bit before entering Heaven after the plane crashes, and the unsaved get roughed up but go to "the other side"just like on that plane,inthe last days-- if you come to God, after the turmoil of the last days, you'll breach through.If not...the important thing,espescially as time runs out in the last days,is to get right with God. "Now is the accepted time of salvation." Amen.