Heavenly love and care is the sweetest melody that fills our heart with joy and peace. In a world full of worries and full of noise, a sweetest melody soothes our soul.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
I sing praises to Your name o Lord.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
His holy name is a complete sentence and nothing needs to be added to. His name is an entire prayer where blessings come down to our heart and fill it with love and peace. His name alone brings healing and comfort to our troubled souls. His name guarantees salvation to all of us, quenches the thirsty soul and fills the soul's hunger.
Jesus' name is the sweetest melody we can say every single day of our life. He is the song in the night. When we cannot sleep at night, call on Him, praise His name and adore Him, blessings, peace and joy shall come down from heaven.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
I sing praises to Your name o Lord.
For Your name is great and greatly to be praised.
His holy name is a complete sentence and nothing needs to be added to. His name is an entire prayer where blessings come down to our heart and fill it with love and peace. His name alone brings healing and comfort to our troubled souls. His name guarantees salvation to all of us, quenches the thirsty soul and fills the soul's hunger.
Jesus' name is the sweetest melody we can say every single day of our life. He is the song in the night. When we cannot sleep at night, call on Him, praise His name and adore Him, blessings, peace and joy shall come down from heaven.