Jesus delights in the praises of His people. Before you get up from bed, start singing praises to the Lord. He opened your eyes and gave the deepest desire to serve Him. He is giving you strenght to work and do whatever you need to do today.
Bow down before the Lord and thank Him for all the blessings He has given you.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
The elders and angels bow,
The redeemed worship You now.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
Let us all raise our voice and praise the Lord now and forever more. Amen
Bow down before the Lord and thank Him for all the blessings He has given you.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
The elders and angels bow,
The redeemed worship You now.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord.
Let us all raise our voice and praise the Lord now and forever more. Amen