Dear one , I understand how you feel , I have been there , but this anger and bitterness is only hurting YOU , it is not hurting them . You say that you know what the bible says about loving our enemies , but what about the verse that says if you will NOT forgive those who have sinned against you , then I will NOT forgive you { Matthew chapter 6 verse 15 } . Forgiveness is a very serious thing to God . This will only hinder your walk with the Lord . The ONLY way { and it will take time to mean this in your heart } is to ask the Lord to love this person through you , there is no way that we can do this on our own if we feel justified in what they have done to us , it has to be done from God . Please do not let this anger take root in your life , the enemy would love for this to happen , then he has a foot in the door with your relationship with God and that is a very dangerous place to be . I pray that you will purpose in your heart today to turn this all over to Almighty God , the ONLY one who can turn this all around for you . Blessings !