Jesus want us all filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, just as Gods word says...
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the ends of the earth.
Acts 1.8
The power of the Holy Spirit is being felt today as it was in the past. When you enter into His holy presence and start praising and adoring His holy name, the presence of God will overcome your own soul and You will know for sure that it is the Holy Spirit that has come to your life. He give us mercy, compassion, care and love toward those who are perishing.
Bread of heaven, feed us till we want no more. Fill our cup and fill it up and make us whole.
For all of us who believe in the bible then God, Jesus His Son and the precious Holy Spirit has been our closest Friend who goes with us and lead our path to heaven.
Glorify His holy name wherever you are.
Jesus wants to bless your life.
Uphold His name.
Honor Him in everything you do.
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the ends of the earth.
Acts 1.8
The power of the Holy Spirit is being felt today as it was in the past. When you enter into His holy presence and start praising and adoring His holy name, the presence of God will overcome your own soul and You will know for sure that it is the Holy Spirit that has come to your life. He give us mercy, compassion, care and love toward those who are perishing.
Bread of heaven, feed us till we want no more. Fill our cup and fill it up and make us whole.
For all of us who believe in the bible then God, Jesus His Son and the precious Holy Spirit has been our closest Friend who goes with us and lead our path to heaven.
Glorify His holy name wherever you are.
Jesus wants to bless your life.
Uphold His name.
Honor Him in everything you do.