Hope in ALL THINGS through the mind of Christ which strengthens us. Who has the mind of Christ? The word says we have the mind of Christ. Christ mind do not be weary in well doing: Christ mind waits patiently for due seasons to reap, Christ mind does not faint. Christ mind does not lose consciousness! With Christ mind nothing is impossible. We also need strong hands. Let not our hands be weak: Our hands symbolize strength, power and protection. It also means generosity, hospitality and stability; so lend a hand.
Never lack conviction in our strategies or lack the resources to carry them out. Stay strengthen, within your mind. Keep the power and protection of Jesus. THEN your work shall be rewarded. So NEVER FEAR. Jesus IS WITH YOU! Never be dismayed; Jesus will strengthen you IF you want be dismayed; Jesus will help you and uphold you with the RIGHT HAND of his righteousness. Jesus will represent his Deity. With his aggressive hand, his hand of growth and strength. He shall lay his RIGHT HAND upon us which conveys authority, blessings, power, and strength. ONLY IF WE CHANGE OUR THOUGHTS TO POSITIVITY! God says: I know the thoughts; and I also know the thoughts that I think toward you. God thoughts are Peaceful thoughts, not of evil, doubt, worry or fear. IF you change your thinking, THEN he will give you an expected end. THEN all things will work together for good, to us who are the called according to his purpose. With men this is impossible; BUT with God all things are possible. So let’s rejoice evermore. Jesus is the light of the world: and we that follow him shall have the light of life!
Remember when a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Our enemies are the doubts the fears and the worries! Iron sharpen iron. This Mean; TWO PEOPLE. Are Spirit Man and coronal man. Each can help refine each other through working together make them interacted.
When they agree as one iron sharpens iron. The two working together, removes rough spots and shapes both!
We must sharpen the countenance of our friend the Spirit Man which is are Soul. Which is are emotions. Without the two working together we lack of faith and it will be impossible to please Jesus: We that come to God must believe that he is, believe in the Spirit Man. He needs your support. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
He know the way that you take and when he have tried you, and he will.
You shall come forth as gold!