Let Us Pray: God, I ask You in Jesusโ name to bless and protect my family, friends, the writer of this prayer and myself. God protect our homes, electronic devices, bank accounts, and credit card accounts so that no one will be able to break in our homes, or hack into any of our devices. Stop anyone who would try to break into our homes, or steal our identities, credit card information, bank information, or any personal information that is stored on these devices, our banks, credit card companies, or on any internet sites. God destroy all the equipment that these people are using to try to get this information. Uncover and let them be arrested. Have someone in jail minister salvation unto them. God protect all that You have blessed each of us with. And show each of us how to protect our homes and all personal information. God, please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. Thank You Jesus. Amen!