Disciple of Prayer
Today, I decided to share with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ how beautiful, marvelous, amazing, gentle, and wonderful it is to see the love of God, seek you, and those around you. I just want to share with you how amazing it is to witness and feel how much God loves us all. It brings so much joy and light to my heart and soul. I recently had a dream where the Lord revealed himself to me. I had lost contact with a friend of mine and stopped talking to her for quite some time. In one day, I had a dream about her, and the dream was very chaotic, and I didn’t understand it. In the dream, it was her and another guy (who in real life was her boyfriend but was married, and God kept revealing to me that he was no good). They were in a room drinking. I saw alcohol spilled everywhere. Something then happened where the property got destroyed (mind you, we hadn’t spoken in about 4 to 5 months). Right after that, she came to me, calling my name in the dream, ###! Can you please help me? And of course, I was more than willing to help her out. So I asked my dad to come repair some of the damages, and he came over to fix it. Despite everyone watching what was going on, she was so stressed out and hurt about what happened between her and the guy. But everything in the end got fixed. (PS My dad doesn’t even know my friend at all.) The next morning when I woke up from the dream, I ended up messaging her and telling her that I was very sorry for the way we left things and that I had a strange dream about her. Come to find out later that the guy she was with was lying to her, a married man who deceived my dear sister, treated her badly, and even abused her. After I told her about the dream, two days later, he broke up with her randomly, and she was going through such a horrible heartbreak, crying. Every day, I was there to uplift her and speak the word of God. Eventually, she got closure and was able to stop drinking and do what was good for her and what God wanted over her life. He went as far as seeking her and delivering her. The crazy part is during that entire process, I prayed for the demonic spirits to be rebuked in the name of Jesus, and she ended up throwing up hours later. All she did was throw up most of the day; she felt sick, but I believe that the Lord cleansed her from all demonic spirits that had attached themselves to her. Now today, even though she went through some heartbreak, she did not go back to using drugs. She did not go back to feeling hurt and being attacked and a slave to the enemy. This taught me such a valuable lesson about the Lord. We serve a loving, kind, compassionate God, who is willing to seek you no matter how bad things are, no matter how chaotic things are amongst the chaos, he is willing to love you dearly, and I am just thankful because God revealed himself to her and to me too that He is I AM, and the God we serve can only do the impossible that humans say we can’t do; only He can do it. Not only did He deliver my sister, but He gave her love far beyond the most compassionate way ever. She got closure with the woman who he was married to, and they both were able to connect a new friendship because what my friend went through, so did his ex-wife. I think it’s just a beautiful story of two women who connected and healed in the mighty name of Jesus and in the mighty name of God. Not only did they heal and have closure to see and realize the enemy at hand, but they built a trustworthy, kind, loving relationship between the two, and God truly revealed himself. I have been praying so much, rebuking demons, rebuking evil spirits, and things that are not of God, and I have been seeing so many wonders, so many joys of how God is delivering and cleaning and returning his people back to him. And I just wanted to share this to update you guys on what’s been going on, and yes, it’s been rough trials and tribulations, but I am just thankful, so grateful, so thankful to be able to be used as a vessel and to deliver the word of God, but not only that but to give our glory to the Lord Almighty, our father in heaven. Thank you, brothers and sisters, and I asked that you continue to pray for me, my family, my workplace, my friends around me, and that you also pray that I continue to be used as a vessel for the Lord. There are so many demonic spirits around us, and I ask you brothers and sisters to come together in the mighty name of Jesus and to rebuke join me on these prayers to rebuke any demonic spirits that think they have dominion over us that think they have space in room to continue to walk in our lives. And I ask in the mighty name of Jesus, I rebuke any demonic spirits that think they have any kind of power over our lives. They do not have any power over our lives because we have the blood of Jesus covered in us, so I rebuke any and every evil spirit that attaches himself in our lives in the mightiest name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.