1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV) In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
As in past trials, I thank You LORD that, in this winter blast, though uncomfortable for many, the multitude has been spared. I give thanks for the little things like: socks, shoes, hats, coats, gloves, blankets, beds, fireplaces, and though currently, but temporarily uncommonly cold for us, thank You the very dwelling places that You have provided that we might be sheltered from the elements.
Let's be real, the overwhelming majority of us have not had to sleep outside, in the snow.
So then, I especially thank You FATHER, and ask that You bless those who, instead of complaining, pointing fingers, or attacking the very workers that labor to restore power to this state, choose to accept this "light affliction," especially compared to the sufferings of Christ, as an opportunity to share their goods, and even welcome neighbors into their dwelling places to keep warm.
And we know . . .
We endure hardship that we may be all the more grateful for the things we often take for granted.
"For after the winter, comes spring."
It's Lenten season y'all