We're told what to look for in the last days. Now sometimes when I see a certain troublesome thing happening, I equate it with the last days. But then when looking up about it, I'm a little surprised to see that these things happened in the past too, and at times in worse form than now,so one could say,"well those things happened a long time ago, so they're not specific to the last days".Like more people died from the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918 than coronavirus, and being over 100 years ago, that was further away from the last days. So why would I think the present day troubles are more "last day indicators" than in the past?Well I think the FREQUENCY of the troubles--"back then", after a trial, there was usually a "gap" , a quiet period where things went about as normal.Even in the recent past, I notice that ,say 20 and 30 years ago something would happen, an earthquake or a pestilence, etc, but not 1 after the other. Now, especially in just the last few months, it's like we barely get through one trial{or not even through it}, when another one comes.{out in the world, or even in our own personal lives}.So I say the FREQUENCY of the trials are what's more of an indicator.Am I in line with the Bible to feel that?Well, what did Jesus say?That these things will increase, like birth pangs until birth comes.So I think that would make me feel correct in stating that the increased frequency of these problems is not a coincidence in last days indicators.Yes?