The intersection of Science and Religion needs your prayer because they cannot agree on spiritual matters because it is not proven to be true according to them. Spirits are not matter and therefore we are unable to do sectional reports on them. The Holy Spriit is not matter and also love, that feeling tha we have for Jesus cannot be proven because we cannot touch. Blessed lord Jesus, open the eyes of the blind please. Science has blinded us so hard that we cannot see, nor we cannot feel , nor we cannot love God without faith and belief in our eternal home. That too cannot be proven. How can we show people our eternal home when it is not here and we cannot see it. Save the souls of all atheists, agnostics, humanists, abortionists and scientists that deny there is God, or Jesus that came to save us from our sins and promised paradise for each one of us who believe with our whole heart and soul. TODAY YOU WILL BE WITH ME IN PARADISE. Jesus told the dying thief. May this promise be with us too. Take it to heart and believe. In our lords Jesus name. Amen