Disciple of Prayer
The Holy Spirit has prompted me to call believers to prayer over the PERSECUTION that IS coming to every true believer; that we would respond the way Jesus taught us to respond: with LOVE, blessing, and doing good to our ENEMIES instead of returning evil for evil, shooting, bombing, killing, maiming, and destroying. I've seen a lack of faith in this area especially in the U.S.A, where we tend to trust in our own strength and be proud instead of humble, judging instead of giving mercy and grace. My prayer is, "Lord Jesus, help us love as You first loved us! Help us be willing to leave/entrust the many believers' lives to You while we give ourselves to saving the ones who are lost! Help us be more passionate about saving the UNREborn than we are about saving the innocent unborn that are filling heaven, because there's more joy in heaven over one sick sinner who repents than for one hundred aborted babies who don't need to repent. Give us the faith that Stephen the martyr had as he followed Your example, Jesus, forgiving his murderers and seeking their blessing, not vengeance! Help us love our enemies with that supernatural, potent love that sticks like a dart in the heart of those who know they're unworthy of it, so that they might repent and be saved someday, as Saul was converted into a brand new creature by the unconditional love of God he was SHOWN over and over, as believers suffered like sheep and prayed for him in obedience to Your New Covenant commands! I praise You, Jesus for the awesome, POTENT testimonies of those few true believers who have loved their enemies through the ages. Help us be wise and build on Your word, not foolish, disobedient so-called "Christians" who will be locked out of the marriage chamber! I also pray that the songs You inspired me to write on this topic would encourage Your people to repent of hypocrisy and inspire them to obey You, not loving their lives even unto death! Help those who really need them find my songs: To Follow Christ, Jesus Said To Love Them, (Christians) We've Been Hypocrites, and For Love of Us by Christine Delozier. In Your name I pray, AMEN