We are the hands of God to help those in need and bring those lost souls of our cities and town to church and make sure they are saved and on their way to heaven. We are the eyes of the Lord to see those who are in sin and evil and pray for them so they too will see the glorious promises God has given to all of us.
I am the One who saves you.
Call unto God almighty day and night to use you to be His hands of mercy an compassion in a dark world where everyone is busy on earthly possesions and seeking more money that will never satisfy the longings of our sous.
We are the hands of our loving Lord.
To touch the sick.
To embrace to ones in need.
Hands that lift them up.
To point them to the cross.
Hands that comfort and love.
Jesus want us to be His hands.
I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the Lord. for His mercy is great.
II Sam. 24, 14
I am the One who saves you.
Call unto God almighty day and night to use you to be His hands of mercy an compassion in a dark world where everyone is busy on earthly possesions and seeking more money that will never satisfy the longings of our sous.
We are the hands of our loving Lord.
To touch the sick.
To embrace to ones in need.
Hands that lift them up.
To point them to the cross.
Hands that comfort and love.
Jesus want us to be His hands.
I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the Lord. for His mercy is great.
II Sam. 24, 14