Disciple of Prayer
Dear Lord I am being confronted by the enemy, he has tried to drive a wedge into my life for a while now and I have resisted, he was using alcohol and other means to distract me from your word and from your plan, I was starting to stray from my true path to the destiny that God has for me, the enemy has seen that I have started to return to the path of righteousness and to hear the word and the truth and accept your plan, please Lord Jesus, help me to continue to hearing you, I feel like the enemy is turning his attention to my wife, please Lord help her to see the enemy's attempts to distract her from her Destiny, I think the enemy is starting to try and use my wife's vulnerabilities to continue to work on driving in the wedge and filling her with insecurity, suspicions and Doubt, as she is seeing my return to you Lord, I know you will never give up on me, I know you know my true intentions, please help me have the patience and faith to continue in this in spite of the enemy's attempts at smoke Shields and distractions and to have faith in my wife's faith in God and the truth, please dear Lord help me to see the battles that are worth fighting and not be caught up in the trivial battles of flesh and blood so as to have the energy and strength to endure the spiritual battles that God has prepared me to fight and not to lose sight of His plans for me and my wife and family, I'm not very articulate in my expression as You know, but I know that you understand, thank you Lord God for my guidance. In the name of Your son our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ AMEN