After all the murderer , Barnabas was freed for Christ to be sentenced to death.The word of God , in the book of lsaiah 53:10 , The Lord says, "It was my will that he should suffer, his death was a sacrifice to bring forgiveness. As we are addressing fundermental issues for Christian living, we need to know , mutual love binds heart to heart.Forgiving is the act of love.Lord Jesus Christ ,endured suffering and pain,for the sake of his love for all humanity.He has done that willingly, voluntarily without being forced.Christianity is based on how we respond to God's love. For whoever does not love , does not know God, for God is love.The world will identity us and get to know that we belongs to Christ by his love manifested in us.Without love and forgiveness , our Christian acts are bound for failure.For God does not look at the outwards appearance of a man , he is God , he searches all the desires of human hearts.We need to forgive our brothers and sisters and persistently pray for them.The bible says we must pray for our enemies and those who persecute us.The was done by our lord Jesus at cross, after the punishment felt on him, he said forgive them lord for they don't know what they are doing.Let's love and be ready to forgive and we will see our Lord's goodness and faithfulness . Amen