Christian Soldiers arm yourself. Put on your helmet of salvation.
It is often said that the battlefield often takes place in the mind. Satan is hard at work trying to place doubts and convince you of lies. He attacks the mind. Remain resilient in Christ.
Remember how fundamentally crucial the helmet is to a soldier. Head injuries are serious and will stop a soldier in his tracks. It won't matter what additional armour he has on. No armour is more important to a soldier than his helmet. Now salvation is more than something left for a future reward. Salvation is meant to impact our lives each moment, our here and now. So we move from receiving salvation to applying salvation. When we put on the helmet of salvation, it gives us the boldness and protection during attacks from the enemy. The Spirit will protect us. Trust in the Lord.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
- Ephesians 6:17 -
Lies and More Lies
Outside the battle keeps raging trying to persuade you. Inside Jesus will calm the mind. Don't be discourage by worldly circumstances. Lies are being hurled at us by every sector of the population. Intimidation tactics are forcing people in making decisions and taking regretable actions that are contrary to their beliefs. All for the fear of being ostracized or being fired by employers. We have doctors advising certain patients not to take a second dose after they had been injured by the first dose. But those same doctors refuse to write an exemption letter for their patients fearing reprisal by their peers and governments. Reduce to self-preservation.
Fear is found in Satan's arsenal. Don't compromise. Hold fast to righteousness and not to lies.
Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God.
- Romans 12:2 -
Salvation redeems and restores us, It protects and shields us from daily attacks from Satan.
Arm yourself daily with Christ salvation. Together with Christ, we shall win.