Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV):“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
“And His name will be called...”
1. “Wonderful...” His name, His attributes, who He is, and what He does, will be called “Wonderful.” It is separated from the ordinary. It is to excite amazement, wonder, and admiration, whether it be miraculous or not. wonderful in the dictionary means: “(adjective) inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous.”
I love that definition! Jesus is extremely good! Not just kind of good, or occasionally good, but extremely good all the time! Jesus is wonderful. Some synonyms are: “Admirable, amazing, astonishing, astounding, awe-inspiring, awesome, brilliant, cool, divine, dynamite, enjoyable, excellent, fabulous, fantastic, groovy, incredible, magnificent, marvelous, miraculous, outstanding, peachy, phenomenal, pleasant, pleasing, prime, remarkable, sensational, stupendous, super, surprising, terrific, too much, tremendous, and wondrous.” Jesus is all that and more!
2. “Counselor...” expresses a distinct attribute or quality. The name “counselor” here, is one of honorable rank; one who is suited to stand near princes and kings as their adviser. It is expressive of great wisdom, and qualifications to guide and direct the human race. The Septuagint translates this phrase, ‘The angel of the mighty counsel.’ The Chaldee, ‘The God of wonderful counsel’ (Albert Barns notes on the Bible).
3. “Mighty God...” Or God the mighty One. He is God the Son. Christ is God. Jesus is not a god who has no strength, no, He is God who has all the power and might to deliver and rescue us from anything in this life. He is all-powerful. There is no weakness in Him. There is nothing that is impossible with Him. He doesn’t know or ever experience defeat. He is the only true God, all other “gods” are not real and have no power. He and the Father are one. Mighty God refers to and implies both the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
4. “Everlasting Father...” How can Jesus be the Father and the Son? We have to remember that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are separate and yet all One God. There is but one Father in the Godhead, and that is the first Person; Christ and the Father are one, and the Father is in him, and he is in the Father, and he that has seen the one has seen the other.
5. “Prince of peace...” Jesus is the Prince among princes. He is supreme. Being a “prince” only happens with royalty. You can be the Prince of Whales, or one of the Princes of a country. Having the word “prince” in front of a name gives authority, special treatment, and honor. Jesus, being the Prince of Peace means that He has all authority, honor, and power of peace. Jesus is the author of peace. Christ is a Prince.
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