Beloved of All
Father I thank you for the blessing of another day to be here and marvel at your presence and glory.
I acknowledge that i am a sinner and i have sinned against you, my God, the King of Glory
Father please forgive me of all my sins and transgressions. Help me as i start my transformation today. Grant me your mercies to become a new man in all possible ways that i may live to give you glory. Father, i pray please let me find favor in your sight. Please shine your face upon me that it may be well with me and my family.
I desire to have my life changed and transformed that i may be conformed to the image of your son Jesus Christ
Father, today i come to pray over the new program which i have started today as i am driving forward towards becoming the man that you created me to be.
Father please have mercy on me and let your hand guide, strengthen and enable me to achieve these for the praise of your name, for your glory and honor. Please touch my life and change it, move me and conform unto yourself
1. Father i pray over my bible study. Please help me, strengthen me. I pray for your Holy Spirit to teach me, fill me with wisdom, that i may have discernment, faith and that i may grow to full and total spiritual maturity
2. Father, i pray for my prayer life. Please teach me to hold on and to persevere in prayer that i may see your goodness and grace. help me to know your will and pray only according to your will in Christ Jesus
3. Help me commune more and better with fellow believers, let brotherly love persist and be maintained in fellowship with other believers. Help me find favor with them through You
4. I pray for my first semester of fourth year results. Father, i know for well i have not done well enough in EMD, Psychiatry. I also could have done better in Anaesthesia. Father but I trust in You. I need your help. Please do not let me be ashamed even though i thoroughly deserve it. I pray that for the sake of your name that I may pass and proceed successfully to the next semester. You are a great God, mighty and powerful. Please help me conquer this and be victorious. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
5. Father, i pray for medical knowledge. I have wasted so much time on empty futile pursuits. But now i come to thee asking you to help me acquire enormous amount of medical knowledge skills and attitudes. Please help me be used to help your people with their sicknesses and diseases. Please grant me the knowledge to do the right thing with you leading me.
6. Father i pray for financial guidance and direction, my family and I have wasted so much money this time on empty and vain pursuits. We have realized that we needed to seek your guidance before planning. Father i pray this time that you help me sort my finances straight and do the right thing. Please help me obtain the money needed and spend wisely on the things that need to be bought. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen
7. Father, i pray for the new journey i have started in restoration and rebuilding of my genitalia. I will use manual methods from now onwards. I pray please help me grow and be strengthened in the process. Please help me be healed for my sake and the sake of my wife
8. Father i pray for my health and physique. Please help me be a strong and powerful man even physically that i may stand as a man for my family
9. Father i pray for acquisition, retention and application of knowledge from different fields. Please help me that this knowledge may be useful in the life that will follow after
10. Father i thank you for the gum bleeding and swelling has stopped. I pray for the remaining sliver in my gums that is causing pain, for it to go away spontaneously without the need to go through surgery
11. I pray that i may be able to make correct purchases focusing on the things that i actually need and not being drawn by panic or the lust of the flesh, eyes nor pride of life
12. Father, i pray in the name of Jesus Christ, for how i interact with other people. I have been constantly angry, prideful and disrespectful towards others and at times have caused them to sin. i pray for your help God, that i may be able to live in peace with them and act accordingly. Father i pray for your help, please help me. I have taken a vow of silence with them but i pray that it is for peace, to avoid quarrels that will cause us to sin and no longer promote these fights that divide us. Please help me keep my peace and not fight against them. I thank you for this and pray in the name of your son
13. Lastly yet very importantly, i pray for the death and burial of the addiction towards nudity, gay pornography and masturbation addiction. I pray that they may be gone. I declare today 25th March 2017 that this sin no longer has power in me in the name of Jesus Christ, it shall not prevail. Today i start prayers against it an the Lord shall do according to His will. This is my biggest hindrance and perhaps the one thing that may cause me to not reach the kingdom of heaven
Father, i thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for i know that my prayers have been heard, and i trust in You that your faithful enough to do according to your will. Thus i pray this in trust and faith in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen
I acknowledge that i am a sinner and i have sinned against you, my God, the King of Glory
Father please forgive me of all my sins and transgressions. Help me as i start my transformation today. Grant me your mercies to become a new man in all possible ways that i may live to give you glory. Father, i pray please let me find favor in your sight. Please shine your face upon me that it may be well with me and my family.
I desire to have my life changed and transformed that i may be conformed to the image of your son Jesus Christ
Father, today i come to pray over the new program which i have started today as i am driving forward towards becoming the man that you created me to be.
Father please have mercy on me and let your hand guide, strengthen and enable me to achieve these for the praise of your name, for your glory and honor. Please touch my life and change it, move me and conform unto yourself
1. Father i pray over my bible study. Please help me, strengthen me. I pray for your Holy Spirit to teach me, fill me with wisdom, that i may have discernment, faith and that i may grow to full and total spiritual maturity
2. Father, i pray for my prayer life. Please teach me to hold on and to persevere in prayer that i may see your goodness and grace. help me to know your will and pray only according to your will in Christ Jesus
3. Help me commune more and better with fellow believers, let brotherly love persist and be maintained in fellowship with other believers. Help me find favor with them through You
4. I pray for my first semester of fourth year results. Father, i know for well i have not done well enough in EMD, Psychiatry. I also could have done better in Anaesthesia. Father but I trust in You. I need your help. Please do not let me be ashamed even though i thoroughly deserve it. I pray that for the sake of your name that I may pass and proceed successfully to the next semester. You are a great God, mighty and powerful. Please help me conquer this and be victorious. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
5. Father, i pray for medical knowledge. I have wasted so much time on empty futile pursuits. But now i come to thee asking you to help me acquire enormous amount of medical knowledge skills and attitudes. Please help me be used to help your people with their sicknesses and diseases. Please grant me the knowledge to do the right thing with you leading me.
6. Father i pray for financial guidance and direction, my family and I have wasted so much money this time on empty and vain pursuits. We have realized that we needed to seek your guidance before planning. Father i pray this time that you help me sort my finances straight and do the right thing. Please help me obtain the money needed and spend wisely on the things that need to be bought. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen
7. Father, i pray for the new journey i have started in restoration and rebuilding of my genitalia. I will use manual methods from now onwards. I pray please help me grow and be strengthened in the process. Please help me be healed for my sake and the sake of my wife
8. Father i pray for my health and physique. Please help me be a strong and powerful man even physically that i may stand as a man for my family
9. Father i pray for acquisition, retention and application of knowledge from different fields. Please help me that this knowledge may be useful in the life that will follow after
10. Father i thank you for the gum bleeding and swelling has stopped. I pray for the remaining sliver in my gums that is causing pain, for it to go away spontaneously without the need to go through surgery
11. I pray that i may be able to make correct purchases focusing on the things that i actually need and not being drawn by panic or the lust of the flesh, eyes nor pride of life
12. Father, i pray in the name of Jesus Christ, for how i interact with other people. I have been constantly angry, prideful and disrespectful towards others and at times have caused them to sin. i pray for your help God, that i may be able to live in peace with them and act accordingly. Father i pray for your help, please help me. I have taken a vow of silence with them but i pray that it is for peace, to avoid quarrels that will cause us to sin and no longer promote these fights that divide us. Please help me keep my peace and not fight against them. I thank you for this and pray in the name of your son
13. Lastly yet very importantly, i pray for the death and burial of the addiction towards nudity, gay pornography and masturbation addiction. I pray that they may be gone. I declare today 25th March 2017 that this sin no longer has power in me in the name of Jesus Christ, it shall not prevail. Today i start prayers against it an the Lord shall do according to His will. This is my biggest hindrance and perhaps the one thing that may cause me to not reach the kingdom of heaven
Father, i thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for i know that my prayers have been heard, and i trust in You that your faithful enough to do according to your will. Thus i pray this in trust and faith in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Amen