I am writing in hopes that there are some true believers who believe God has not completely given up on this world. I have been working with the Holy Spirit on this 5 book series, which I believe could change the lives of the lost, the Christians and especially the Lord's true churches. As you know we are living in a very dark age of humanity. Half the politicians support the illegal immigrants but don't support America. The deep state, the progressivism, and the Socialists are attempting to destroy our president, who only desires to make America great again. Quite frankly, my friends, so many people want to destroy Ice, the sheriffs, the FBI and especially our Police departments all over this country. Hate, anger, and lawlessness are the rulers of this country for the lost. What my attempts on the book series are to show Christians and the Lord's churches what is wrong and how we can get back to the type of thinking the Apostles and early churches learned from the Holy Spirit so that we Christians can follow in their footsteps exactly the way God originally wanted us too. This will require much dedication, prayer and loving faith to recreate the boldness and willingness to serve God as to how He wants us to believe and then act upon. Is it hard? No, it is easy to fully comprehend. Yet it will require much faith and godly love to bring back the days when Jesus Christ was recognized as our true leader so that each and everyone will bow to His name and recognize that He must always come first. Once His people fully understand through the power and teachings of the Holy Spirit, then the churches will finally stand taller than the godless atrocities going on throughout this world. I ask all of you to pray for this ministry as we seek to turn around this world to become God-fearing Christians to serve the one and true God. The Holy Spirit has been sending me messages for over 4 years now and once I get enough money to get all 5 books published, I believe even the simplest minds will then begin to see what we need to do to serve the true and living God the way He wants to be served. Only then can we have hope to change the world before it's too late. I love you all and ask you to pray with me on this mission to do God's will and not our own.