Hallelujah!! Mighty is our God !! That leads us to triumph. Father I thank you for this victory. I thank you for once again proving that you are a God that answers prayer. Father I thank you for demonstrating that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much. Father I pray that you would bless every man and woman that bombarded heaven on behalf of this need. Father you said if we would pray for our others. You would meet our needs. Father my heart is overflowing with Thanksgiving and praise to you. I worship you right now. For being a loving, faithful,holy God. Father you said that you look over your word to perform it, and you did just that. You said heaven and hell shall pass away before your word returns to you for void. I give you all the glory, all the honor and the praise. For you my God alone are worthy. In Jesus name I pray Amen