thanky ou os much for oyur prayrs. I love oyu all brothers and sister in Christ. pleas eocntinue to pray for my grandmaEMERGENCY prayer request formy grandma Schnieder Vilmosné suffering form congestive heart failure. SHE NEEDS A MIRacle by the Lord Jesus Christ PLEae pray the Lord heals her heart wiht HIs HOly stripes and stengthen sher heart heals her kidneys and delivers her form all kidney stones gout and metabolic acidosis and all metanolic disorders. Lord dleiver her body form all evil int he anme of the Lord Jesus Christ. PLEAse pray fo her slavation in Christ and that she is heale dof muscle atrophy small bowel obstruction syndorm I beg you Iodnt wan to lose her pleas pera yi beg you. IM gratful forevr thanky ou ofrverGOd bless ouy forever. urgently pray her heart is healy by HIS stripes. Lord Jesus Chirts give what my grandma needs ot be heale dby OYu I beg you pleaser pLease pray for her. God bless you forever for praying for her. SHEE NEed sa miracle. I beg please pray the Lord Jesus Chirst has mercy nad heals her of all her bed of illness. PLEASE Ibeg oyui. she cannot get rid of waste easily at all... Pleas epray she ca. Pleas epray her defomed body is miraculoulsy heal by the Lord Jeus Chirst. Please pray the Lord Jesus Chrois thela hr heart blood pressure renal disease osteoporsis, oxygen prblems dementia and cranial diabetrs insipidus. SHE NEEDS healign HAve emrcy Lord.Pkleas Intervene Lord JEsus CHrist and giver her abundan tlife . Dleiver her heart and blood streem and ocygenf ormt eh devil. Pelae hela he rbowel sos she can have proper bowle movements miraculously . Please shift all he rbod iynot perfect posiiton for proper bowelmovemtn spleadse líord. Pleads ehal her eyes. Hela her blood strea,.Pelase dop all in yur Lord Lord ot hal her save her and prolongue her lfie. Please hela her body for Your glroy Lord Jesus Chrisz. please heal all lack of oxygen issues, dehydration issues, metabloic acidosis issues and dleiver hr formt eh devil i every way. Please also deliver my entire family bloodlien and all peoplef orm the devil. Please guide each and evryone one ofus with your HJoyls PIrit and please give oyu salvation to all my fmaiyl memebers and all people.Lord i beg you please dleiver my grandmaSchneidner Vilmosné form congestive heart failurwe. Pleas emiracululs touch her heart strengthen her heart and hla everythign that has do with her heart and with her. make her whole and health ymiraculously Lord Jesus christ. PLease protect her from all evil. pleasse hbelss all he rmedication , water food viitmins adn oxygen a trilllion fold íLord jEuss Chris tplease in your name. In YOur hOyl name pleas ehav emercy on my sins. huble me Lor dhelp us all to seek you. Please gently correct my errors. Dleiver my grsandma out of the hands of satan and into the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. please lord Jesus Chris tpleas ehal her. Please od all iny our power to heal her. pLease. also pleas eheal all my fmaily mmebrs and all people. protect us form every manner of sicknes and disease and dleive rus form al eivl. Give us all wisdom. Pelase Lord deliver ymy grandma muscle sna body form the devil. Please give her excelelnt blood pressure oxygen and helaign to her enitre flesh. Pelase dleiver her fom all amnenr of sicness and diseas eand instruct me STRONGLY how ot help her, force me to do oyur will and forvie me of amy sins. Pleas ehal my to oby my parents. give em teh strenght to do you Will. Lord i aks your WIll be doen in my grandma Life. save heal and please do all in you r power to prolongu her life and hela her by YOur Hoyl striopes. For oyur IS all power the Kingdom the glor yofeevr.Thank yoU Lord God almighty of rmy gandam and fmaily .please giv eus all life . Belss all those prayng for my grandma forever an dmy fmaily beign prayed for as. well: Pelase use my grandma greatly for oyur Glro ylord . pleas ehal he ri beg oyu. HAve mercy on my sins. TOO many im sorry her veins and arteries and does all in his bowel to hela my grandma form dementia congestive heartfaulure, diabetes insupidus, funguy in and oursite her body, blood impurities, alignment issues, small bowel obstrcution syndrom and als bloos pressure issues. IT IS VERY URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by HIs stripes Lord please heal my grandma that she is able to breath easily have proper bowel movements and helaed of all haert failure kidney stones